Sunday, September 21, 2014

How Life Coaching Can Help Us

Life Coaching
It is once said that "the purpose of our lives is to be happy", and, if you'll ask me, that is how a life coach can help us. What happiness actually means is genuine to each and every one of us, thus, more people are asking help from a Life Coach to aid them in discovering a big deal of greater happiness in life.

Understand that Life Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life in the process. Not to mention the number of people it had helped for decades.

Clarity in Life.

There are times we actually know where it is we want to pursue with our lives, and there are even times we know we aren’t happy but don’t understand why. Life Coaching will give you prosperity by lending you a hand in setting goals you desire to accomplish, by determining between what you could do, should do, ought to do and really want to do.

When you create a fitting goal - something you absolutely desire – you are more likely to act on achieving it. A Life Coach works with you to create a step by step procedure – a dynamic, reliable procedure enabling you to accomplish your dreams.

Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you really want to be.

Life Coaching will give you a helping hand in discovering what you need to do differently and support you in your accomplishments.

Strategies that will assist you to grab your goal faster.

A Life Coach has a lot of tools and strategies to fastly draw out the way forward for you. Through coaching you will understand more selections than you thought were possible. Coaches will use inciteful and challenging questions to aid you in deciding which path is the correct one for you. Having decided on what actions you need to take, the coach will make sure that you are 100% committed to achieving them, and help you deal with any struggles along the way.

Overcome struggles, low self esteem and insecurities.

Almost all of us have thoughts and suggestions about our skills, going on inside our head constantly. This is generally known as your ‘self talk’. Most often, our self talk tells us what are the things we can’t do, the reason why we can’t do it, and the worst case scenario if we tried – these thoughts are called ‘limiting beliefs’ or somewhat hindrance and they penetrate from moving forward. They are negative thoughts we have about ourselves that are very often based on no absolute fact. They are bulk up by time from what we are told during childhood years, schooling and, of course, adult life. We often get limiting beliefs from our family, friends, teachers and our peers.

Limiting beliefs can give you low self esteem and insecurities that often become obstacles to achieving what you generally can achieve. Life Coaching will support you uncover these beliefs and through fortitude and time you can conquer them. Your coach will help you with strategies to use to change your thinking into more positive ones that will help you to move forward and have better confidence in yourself.

Search and analyze all possible options available.

When working with a Life Coach, you will know various tools that will help you learn more options than you ever thought were possible. You will be able to analyze the pros and cons of each in relation to accomplishing your goals, but more importantly, to make sure that everything fits perfectly well with your values and beliefs and your whole life.

Dedicated time, support, encouragement and motivation.

How cool would it be to have someone 100% dedicated to lending you a hand to achieve your dream. A Life Coach will give you this dedication; they will support you, revere successes with you and help motivate you as you move on.

Life Coaching is an investment in you, and it will benefit your entire life.

And finally... Life Coaching is an investment in your future of happiness. Life Coaching will give you tools and strategies that you can use over and over again.

Facing Daily Struggles of Life

We are all aware that life isn’t that simple and throughout our journey, there might even be chances where we face numerous struggles, hardships and setbacks. Not to mention, how playful fate can be. In fact, there will be times, that the least we expect happens. And sometimes, the one's that have not even touch our thoughts happen.

There is a great distinction though between the people who prosper in life than those who don’t, and it is their way of facing life's struggles.

A strong and resilient person will alway get hit by setbacks and life problems just like all people do but shortly he will stand up and get back in his stance. Knowing how to face life’s struggles will not just help you become successful in life but it will also help you live a happy life. Here are some tips on how we should face life's daily struggles:

1. Accept, invite and embrace.

We all encounter problems and difficulties in life. We all screamed, cried, and grieved a lot. But, why not turn this into a gift? In the most challenging moments of our lives, you would rely on this question to help you mentally frame your situation leading to positive emotional state and action.

This question will give you vision to see who, what, when, and how to take your best foot forward for healing. You will move out of refusal, which blinds vision, into acceptance.

Have trust in your life's situation, at a soul level, is being created purposefully for your growth and learning. Invite your experience in. Embrace it. All of it! The sad, the bad, the scary and the ugly bits are bed mates, albeit hidden, with the joy, happiness, surprises, and miracles to be found in your situation.

Always remember, after all the difficult situation, in the end, you will alway come out stronger than you'll ever be.

Choose powerful questions and attitudes to help you accept your experience. Make your life's challenges into a gift. What do you do with a gift? You receive it. Acknowledge it. Seek the value it can bring about to your life. Ask yourself how your life situation can be your finest opportunity.

2. Remember, it is not necessary to have all the answers immediately.

Everything is a step by step process. Have your awareness to what's currently. Analyze what you need to do for that moment in time.

If you have just lost your work, focus on what kind of action you need to take step for your next move. Is there a need for you to make a phone call? Reply to an email? Small steps build bridges. A path will be revealed to you.

Just observe, if you’re letting “thought trains” overrun you. Are you thinking about fearful thoughts into the future? Worrying about your next ten months won't help you. Stop it. Ask instead, what is the best place to focus my energy, now, for better results?

3. Use your imagination like currency.

Are you aware that imagination is a type of currency? The images and pictures you create in your head is a form of energetic wealth.

Crystal clear images danced in my third eye daily. I created a world where I saw myself surfing, dancing, walking, and moving freely. I saw my life where I was problem and worry free.

It’s as like I traveled the world without taking a step. The inner world, that is.

In my outer reality I was actually grieving from problems reality has brought to me.

Now, ask yourself, what is your life challenge? Has your heart been broken? Have you just lost someone you loved? If so, recognize, the inner canvas of the mind is one of your richest resources to generate your healing.

Establishing strong imaginary faculties is a good start. Speak your vision. Draw your vision. Write it in words. Assign a scent to it. Associate it with feelings. Listen to it. Bring it to life with all your senses.

4. Look for the life lesson.

Look straight into the eye of your struggles and say, “I see you. What will you to teach me? I can handle it. Give it to me. I am here to learn. Show me.”

Get the nastiest, most confrontational, unexpected, and inconvenient of situations—corruption, infidelity, imprisonment, betrayal, murder—and face them. Don’t hold back. Continue asking, “What are you here to teach me?” Now, listen. Not with your mind, but with your life.

See who shows up to help you, observe what books will be given to you, are there any movies do you feel compelled to watch, what are you dreaming about at night? Focus your attention to signs, symbols, and synchronicity.

5. Understand that you are helping heal the collective through your growth.

Humans are deeply interconnected with each other. It may seem that we appear separate. But, underneath it all we actually operate collectively. The “collective unconscious” is a storehouse of information, ideas, and programming which informs our daily life and actions.

Your growth development, as you grow into who you are through the life changing challenges of life, contributes to the whole. You are not alone with your problem, always have that in mind. There are a lot of others have gone through, or will go through, what you are facing.

Consider your life's struggle a request to remind yourself, and therefore, us. You, as a technology, are being asked to advance, hence, move forward. New installs such as creativity, imagination, and collaboration are needed. Downloads of emotional intelligence, humility, and compassion are the operating programs required.

Your experience is an essential part to healing the whole.